A Place for Outdoor Learning

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Schools have repeatedly stressed the importance of balancing work and play to better educate young students. These two aspects however, do not just rely on engaging classroom games, creative sessions and mentally stimulating programs. They also require an outdoor environment that is conducive to proactive and productive education. This is where outdoor learning comes in.

What Is Outdoor Learning?

Whilst it does not have a formal definition, the Institute for Outdoor Learning describes it as a broad term that encompasses various outdoor activities, which children are encouraged to participate in during the early years. These may come in the form of school grounds projects, environmental education and adventure activities, among others.

In recent years, a number of institutions in the UK are promoting outdoor learning as mainstream education. In fact, this method has become so widely accepted that schools and universities are offering courses that follow it.

How Can Students Benefit From Outdoor Learning?

An important consideration for schools that plan to carry out an outdoor learning program is whether the campus is suitable. Is there enough space to facilitate the activities, and are the facilities enough to accommodate the students and ensure their safety as they participate?

It is clear that young children will only be able to benefit from outdoor learning, as much as the venue allows them to. Although injuries and other hazards come with outdoor learning, a number of safety concerns, such as slip accidents during wet weather and illnesses due to changing weather conditions, can and should be avoided.

Here at Kensington, we believe that simple and practical additions to the campus can contribute to a safer and more comfortable learning environment. Our range of school canopies are built to last for years and provide an efficient and stimulating extension to classrooms, where young children can take learning to a whole new level.

Our products are an excellent and functional addition to any school. If you are considering installing modular canopies in your learning centre, call Kensington and tell us how we can help you.

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